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  • Une optométriste examine les yeux d'un patient

    Diabetes and Eye Health

    Diabetes is a chronic medical condition that affects the way your body uses glucose (sugar) in the blood. But did you know that diabetes can also have an impact on...

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  • un homme qui passe un examen de la vue

    Diabetes Awareness and Your Eye Health

    November is Diabetes Awareness Month. You may wonder, what does diabetes have to do with eye health? We’ve put together a 3-minute read to help you understand the crucial connection...

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  • Un homme d'âge mature vérifie le taux de sucre dans son sang à l'aide d'un glucomètre

    Diabetes Awareness Month

    Why is November Diabetes Awareness Month? In 1991, the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization created World Diabetes Day in response to the steady increase in diabetes cases....

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  • Détail de l'œil d'une femme

    Diabetes and eye health: What's the link?

    In Canada, diabetes is one of the major health problems. It is the cause of many complications, including vision problems. Fortunately, the risk of complications can be minimized through...

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  • Une optométriste IRIS ausculte les yeux d’un patient.

    Vision Problems: The Four Most Common Types

    Every second Thursday in October is World Sight Day Perfect timing to talk about one of our most important and hardworking organs – our eyes. Through...

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