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Should I Wear Monthly or Disposable Contact Lenses?

They’re almost invisible, light as a feather and, they make you feel like you have 20/20 vision all day long. And for all those reasons, many people that visit our stores, mention that they wish to try contact lenses!

However, many do hesitate on which solution is best for them, and one of the questions we get the most revolves around the main differences between disposable contact lenses versus monthly or bimonthly contacts.

Each lens has its advantages.

On the one hand, disposable contact lenses can be more expensive (however no need to purchase the disinfecting solution). There is no need to lug around a box plus a bottle of solution or to have to keep several pairs handy, in different locations, for when you take them off. They don’t require any maintenance, which is practical if you expect to find yourself in one of the following situations:

  • You often tend to sleep away from home.
  • Your schedule is unpredictable, and you would like to be able to take them out when you are not home.
  • You sometimes travel.
  • Your lenses risk getting in contact with sweat, dust and dirt often, which could damage them. It would be wiser to be able to replace them.
  • You wouldn’t wear contact lenses every day.

On the other hand, monthly and bi-monthly contact lenses are generally cheaper. The main difference is that it is essential to take the time to disinfect them in fresh solution every day (and never with water!). They are ideal in the following situations:

  • You only expect to wear your contacts for only a few hours at a time, and would rather not have to throw them away after such a short use.
  • You always have access to the contacts case and the bottle of disinfecting solution when you feel like removing your contacts.
  • You often switch between glasses and contact lenses.

If all of these situations apply, the ideal solution for you might be to use both types of lenses!

Bausch & Lomb offers an Essentials package, including 4 boxes of monthly contact lenses, 4 bottles of solution, 2 contact lens cases as well as 2 free 30-packs of disposable contact lenses. The Essentials package is available in all of our locations, and allow you to wear monthly contact lenses most days, but to also have disposable contacts on hand for the days when they are more suitable.

And no matter what decision you’ll end up making, we recommend that you buy your contact lenses in an optometry clinic rather than online and that you make sure to follow these recommendations for optimal comfort all day long!

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