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Signs That Your Child Needs Glasses

Good vision contributes to a child's health, social development and academic success. But how do you know if your child needs glasses? Young children are often unaware of their vision problems and have difficulty expressing them. Sometimes they have become accustomed to seeing poorly and think they have normal vision. In short, detection can be difficult. Here are the main signs to look out for.

Your child may need glasses if:

  • They regularly complain of headaches and migraines, especially at the end of the day;
  • Blinks and rubs their eyes frequently and frowns, especially when concentrating;
  • They squint frequently and move closer to what they want to see. For example, standing (too) close to the screen;
  • They do not pay attention for long periods, i.e., losing their line or rereading the same sentence twice;
  • They retain little of what they have just read;
  • They confuse certain letters;
  • They are sensitive to light and often has watery eyes;
  • They frequently bump into things and have difficulty finding their way around; 

We must act quickly!

Myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia, strabismus... There are many vision defects that are often found in young children. Currently, 1 in 4 school-age children suffers from a visual problem. Therefore, it is recommended that all children undergo an eye examination at the age of 6 months, 3 years, before starting school, and then every year from 6 to 23 years.

Rest assured. The presence of the signs mentioned above doesn't necessarily mean a vision problem. Still, if there is, you should know that it is often benign and usually resolves itself entirely if it is treated promptly. Above all, a vision problem could be why your child is not motivated to do an activity and is having difficulty in school. By correcting the situation, you will increase your child's self-esteem.

Key figures for good habits

  • 2 meters from the television
  • 55-65 cm from screens (depending on their size)
  • 30-40 cm from close-up activities (reading, puzzles, crafts, etc.)
  • 20-20-20 principle: 20-second break needed to look away - 20 feet (6 m) - every 20 minutes
  • 90 minutes: the amount of time spent playing outside every day to prevent the onset and progression of myopia

Keep your eyes open for your children's eyes! Make an appointment with an IRIS optometrist for your child's eye exam.

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