Summer is finally here and detox water recipes are everywhere! Using detox water to cleanse your body of toxins and harmful chemicals is definitely trendy right now. It fills your stomach, has zero calories, and even helps raise your metabolic rate!
Here are some detox water ideas filled with nutrients that are good for your eyes!
Blueberries and mint
One 8 oz. canning jar or a glass of water
1/4 cup of fresh blueberries, whole
1/8 cup of fresh mint leaves, rinsed
Berries are one of the highest food sources of antioxidants and are one of the healthiest foods for your eyes. Blueberries are packed with nutritious vitamins and minerals, and are particularly beneficial in maintaining eye health.
Strawberries and lemon
One 8 oz. canning jar or a glass of water
1/4 cup of strawberries, cut in half
2 slices of lemon
*For stronger strawberry flavour, mash the strawberries.
Strawberries are packed with vitamin C, so they may help to protect your eyes from age-related diseases and keep the connective tissue and blood vessels around your eyes healthy.
Pineapple and cucumber
One 8 oz. canning jar or a glass of water
1/2 cup pineapple, cut into chunks
1/3 cup cucumber, thinly sliced