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6 simple tips to take care of yourself while taking care of the Earth

Today is Earth Day. To celebrate this special day, we prepared a list of small things you can do in the bathroom to reduce your ecological footprint and help preserve our beautiful and green planet.


Use washable cleansing wipes
As we know it, removing makeup can have a big impact on the health of your eyes. It is highly important to remove makeup every night before going to bed to prevent small particles of makeup from falling into your eyes. This step is also important for the health of your beautiful eyelashes. Not removing mascara for a whole night is a bit like keeping your eyelashes awaye for the whole night: while coated with makeup, they can’t regenerate and can even be at risk of falling. Removing makeup at the end of a day is a crucial step in order to maintain the health of your eyes and lashes.


In addition to being environmentally friendly, this tip will also save you money! Using washable cleansing wipes means you’ll never have to buy disposable cleansing pads again! Plus, they are super easy to use. You can apply your makeup remover directly on the wipe, then you gently rub the wipe on your eye and you're done! In addition to being environmentally friendly, these wipes are soft for your skin and your eyes. To clean them, simply place them in a washing bag (which is often supplied with the wipes) and send them to the washing machine along with your clothes. 


Several Canadian companies have started making these wipes. Among them: D.MA, Rose Citron and Omaïki.


Use coconut oil to remove your makeup
Again as you know, completely removing eye makeup at night is important. Our specialists recommend choosing a gentle makeup remover that will not irritate your eyes. Coconut oil is an incredible solution to remove eye shadow, eye liner and even the most stubborn mascara. Even waterproof mascara does not stand a chance against coconut oil! In addition to being safe for your eyes, coconut oil will leave your face hydrated and coconut scented!


As a bonus: coconut oil also makes an excellent mask for damaged hair. Place an old towel on your shoulders and coat the tips of your hair with this magical oil and leave it in for 15-20 minutes. Coconut oil will give a boost of moisture to your hair weakened by winter.


Use a soap bar instead of shower gel
Shower gel plastic bottles are more complex and require more energy to recycle than the packaging of small solid bar soaps. This simple choice can make a major difference to the environment. Think of all the conditioner and shampoo bottles that are sent to recycling every year!

Glasses on a table

Use a wooden toothbrush
A plastic toothbrush can take up to 500 years to degrade. If we think about the fact that we change toothbrush about 4 to 5 times a year, we can imagine that our year of oral hygiene has serious consequences for the environment! Not to mention the fact that most toothbrushes are not recyclable or accepted in many sorting centers. Using a toothbrush made out of wood avoids sending an massive amount of plastic to landfills. In addition, toothbrushes made of wood are really pretty! When a wooden toothbrush is no longer good, you can us it as a gardening stake for a small plant or as a brush to clean hard to reach places. If not, you can also put it in the trash and as its fibers are natural, your toothbrush will decompose quickly at the dump! 


To be even greener, you can get them from a company based in Gatineau, Quebec: OLA Bamboo.


Use a homemade deodorant
Deodorants haven't really had great reputation these past years because many contain chemical ingredients that we put under our arms every day, including some that doctors link to cancer. To have the best armpit health and to make our planet a little greener, you can make your own deodorant! Easy to make, makes good gifts and can easily be made with the kids! To begin, simply clean an empty deodorant tube. You can reuse the same container each time! Several recipes are available online and often use products that we already have in our kitchen cabinets: baking soda, cocoa butter, beeswax, essential oils and coconut oil!


Have an ‘’ugly’’ smoothie or juice
We see them often at the grocery store: these fruits and vegetables considered too ugly or old for our high standards of consumption. Although they are sometimes a little brown or faded, these fruits and vegetables still contain all the vitamins and nutrients that are good for your health and for the health of your eyes! In addition, they are often sold at a reduced price! You only need to make sure you eat them quickly. If you have a juicer you can use it to prepare a juice with carrots, apples or mangoes that are rich in vitamins A and C. These vitamins are necessary for the proper functioning of retinal cells. If you have a blender on hand, you can also use blueberries, spinach, Swiss chard or pineapples that are also rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene, vitamins that are vital for the health of your eyes! Giving one last chance to ugly fruits and vegetables is just as beneficial for your health as it is for the Earth!

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