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At IRIS, a Happy Work-Life Balance is Possible

A busy work schedule can sometimes get in the way of family time. At IRIS, we encourage a good work-life balance because we know that family is important and that it's essential to devote quality time to it.

Meet two IRIS dads, passionate about your eyes' health, who know how to juggle work and family life. Meet Dr. Mark Langer, Optometrist and Co-Owner, and Antoine Tisserand, Regional Manager.

Dr. Mark Langer - Optometrist and Co-Owner of IRIS in Vernon

With IRIS since 2013, Mark knew even then that becoming an optometrist would allow him to put his future family first and provide for his financial needs. Now the father of three little boys, Mark says: "IRIS was an easy choice because working with IRIS allows me to keep a balance between my professional life and my family life. Working at IRIS gives me freedom in my practice but frees me from my store commitments to spend time with my wife and children.

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Antoine Tisserand – Regional Manager Greater Montreal

Employed by IRIS since 2021, Antoine chose IRIS for several reasons. Passionate about eye care and optometry, it was important to him that the company's values in which he would flourish were similar to his own. This father of two girls appreciates the respect for human values at IRIS, the availability of days off and the attention paid to patients.

"A company that adapts to the times by introducing new technologies is a company of the future, so for me, IRIS is the company of the future in which I see myself continuing to evolve. Take all these values that I hold dear, mix them together, and you get our beautiful banner."

A human company that makes room for important things!

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