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Effects of pregnancy on vision

Pregnancy is a time of great change in a woman's body, and vision is no exception. While most eye changes are temporary, it's important to understand potential symptoms and know when to consult a healthcare professional. Here's an overview of the main effects of pregnancy on vision. 

Dry eyes

One of the most common symptoms of pregnancy is dry eyes. Hormonal changes can affect tear production, resulting in burning, itching or gritty eyes. If you wear contact lenses, this can become uncomfortable. Fortunately, artificial tears can usually alleviate this problem. 

Prescription changes

Some pregnant women notice a temporary change in their vision, particularly if they are myopic. This is due to water retention, which can cause a slight change in the curvature of the cornea, making your glasses or contact lenses less effective. These changes are generally reversible after childbirth, so it's advisable to postpone any new glasses or contact lenses prescription until the end of your pregnancy. 

Blurred vision and visual fluctuations

Fluctuations in vision, including blurred vision, can be caused by unstable hormone levels and increased body fluids. These symptoms often disappear after birth, but it's essential to talk to your optometrist about them, as they can sometimes be a sign of more serious complications, such as gestational diabetes or preeclampsia.

Gestational diabetes and retinopathy

Gestational diabetes, which can develop during pregnancy, can have a direct impact on vision. It can cause swelling of the retina (macular edema) or exacerbate pre-existing diabetic retinopathy. If you have diabetes, it's crucial to have your vision monitored regularly during pregnancy.

Migraine and light sensitivity

Many pregnant women suffer from migraines, often associated with increased sensitivity to light. These headaches can also be accompanied by visual symptoms, such as flashes of light or bright spots. If you experience these symptoms, it's important to mention them to your optometrist.

What to do if you experience visual changes during pregnancy?

If you notice any visual changes, the first step is to consult your trusted optometrist for an evaluation. In most cases, symptoms will be mild and temporary, but some signs, such as sudden blurred vision or flashes of light, require urgent attention.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect various aspects of health, including vision. Although most symptoms disappear after delivery, it's important not to ignore them and to consult an optometrist for regular assessment of your vision. By taking proactive measures, you can ensure that you maintain healthy vision throughout your pregnancy.

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