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How Not To Transmit Conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis is not serious at all but is often very contagious. Conjunctivitis spreads quickly with typical symptoms including red, watery eyes and itching. Here are some tips for treating conjunctivitis quickly and avoiding contagion.

Conjunctivitis, Contagious or not? It will depend on the type of conjunctivitis.

- Conjunctivitis of allergic origin, for example, is not contagious.

- On the other hand, when conjunctivitis is bacterial or viral, i.e., caused by a bacterium or a virus, it is very contagious.

Rest assured, it is easy to treat! 

How is the conjunctivitis virus transmitted? Viruses transmit most conjunctivitis, and they are the most contagious. Conjunctivitis is spread through tears and saliva. The contagion takes place between adults but especially in children. They transmit the virus by touching each other when they play together and using the same toys. That's why conjunctivitis contagions often occur in daycare centers or at school. 

How long is one contagious? The virus survives for 1 to 2 weeks. There are sometimes real epidemics of conjunctivitis by contagion in schools. But as soon as there are no more symptoms, there is no more contagion. On the other hand, there is no incubation period, so contagion of conjunctivitis is not possible until there are symptoms.

How to avoid contagion? To avoid catching conjunctivitis and contaminating those around you, we suggest you apply these simple preventive measures:

  1. Wash your hands several times a day;
  2. Do not scratch your eyes
  3. Change your towels every day;
  4. Use single-use tissues;
  5. Keep your sick baby or child at home to avoid contagion.

How can conjunctivitis be treated quickly? Conjunctivitis is very easy to treat. If it is viral, there is no medication to take. You just have to wash your eyes regularly. Viral conjunctivitis affects both eyes: they are red, and a clear liquid flows from them.

In the case of bacterial conjunctivitis, only one eye may be affected. It is stuck in the morning, and the discharge is thick and greenish-yellow. Consult your trusted optometrist who can prescribe the necessary medication.

If you have any doubts about the origin of your conjunctivitis or if it lasts too long, do not hesitate to consult your optometrist. They will be able to reassure you and suggest the proper treatment.

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