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How to Prevent Computer Vision Syndrome

With screen use soaring in our daily lives, computer vision syndrome (CVS) has become an increasingly common problem. This syndrome, also known as digital eye strain, is a collection of symptoms that affect the visual health of those who spend long hours in front of a screen.

Fortunately, there are simple steps you can take to prevent or minimize the effects of CVS. Here are a few essential tips to protect your eyes and reduce the discomfort associated with screen use.

Apply the 20-20-20 rule

One of the most effective ways of reducing eyestrain is to follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something about 20 feet (6 meters) away for at least 20 seconds. This allows your eyes to rest and change focus, reducing the risk of eye strain. 

Improve the ergonomics of your workstation

Poor screen positioning can aggravate CVS symptoms. Ensure your screen is positioned at a comfortable distance, usually around 50 to 70 cm from your eyes, and that the top of the screen is level with or slightly below your eyes. The screen should be tilted back slightly to reduce reflections and glare. With feet firmly planted on the ground and adequate back support, good posture can also prevent body fatigue.

Reduce glare and adjust lighting

Glare on the screen, and bright lighting can tire your eyes. Try to reduce direct light sources or reflections on your screen by adjusting room lighting or using an anti-glare filter. You can also adjust the brightness and contrast of your screen to match the ambient light level.

Blink more often

We often blink less when we use a screen, leading to dry eyes. Blinking helps to keep eyes moist and reduce irritation. If your eyes feel dry, moisturizing eye drops can also be beneficial.

Take regular breaks

In addition to the 20-20-20 rule, taking real breaks away from the screen is essential. Try to get up and stretch every 30 to 60 minutes. This helps rest your eyes and reduces the strain on your back, shoulders and neck. 

Use screen glasses

If you wear glasses, make sure they're suitable for prolonged use in front of a screen. Special lenses, often called computer glasses, can reduce eyestrain by filtering the blue light emitted by screens and optimizing your vision for intermediate distances. 

Adjust your screen settings

Modify your screen settings for optimum comfort. Make sure the text is large enough to be read effortlessly, and increase contrast if necessary. You can also activate the “night light” mode or install software that adjusts the colour temperature of your screen according to the time of day to reduce the blue light emitted.

By adopting these simple habits, you can prevent or reduce computer vision syndrome symptoms. Eye health is essential to overall well-being, and it's important to protect it, especially in a world where screens occupy a central place in our daily lives. Take good care of your eyes and regularly see an eye care professional for a check-up.

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