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Tips and Tricks to Protect Your Children's Glasses

Do you have children who need to wear glasses? Keeping their glasses in good condition is not always easy since children are often carefree and forgetful. As a parent, you need to help them take better care of their glasses. Here are some tips to help you:


As you know, children can be careless. They easily misplace or drop their glasses. Why not hang your children's glasses on lanyards to prevent them from getting lost at play, recess, or simply forgotten? Eyeglass cords are designed to withstand a variety of games, sports and activities. They, therefore, offer optimal resistance. Moreover, they are easy to wear and can be adjusted, even for children. It is also possible to choose according to their taste and preferences in terms of colours.


Of course, your children will have to remove their glasses at some point. If they are not put in the right place, there is a high probability that they will break. Protect your and your children's frames with a case to avoid this. Eyewear cases can come in many colours and shapes. To ensure that your children take good care of their cases, you must educate them on how to use them. Make sure they store their glasses in the case when they are not using them to protect them from dust and scratches.

Proper Care

The main concern to your children's glasses is scratching. They interfere with vision when present in the lenses' central part. Many precautions must therefore be taken during their cleaning and handling. If the glasses are dirty, they should be washed under warm water and cleaned with a non-greasy liquid soap. They should then be dried with a microfiber cloth to prevent further scratching. Avoid trying to remove the dirt with your finger at all costs, as this could damage the glass.

In addition, the use of a microfiber cloth should be used instead of:

- a paper towel;

- your sleeve;

- or an ordinary cloth.

These are very likely to damage glasses because of the materials they are made of.

Finally, did you know you can have a deep eyewear cleaning done with your eye care professional? Simply bring your children's glasses to your optician to have them treated in an ultrasonic bath.

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