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Eyelid Twitches: How to Prevent And Treat Them

Eye twitches can be a real nuisance! These involuntary muscle spasms called Myokymia, actually occur on your eyelid and not your eye. They can last a few seconds, a few hours, and even days. Although annoying, these quivering muscles are harmless and will not affect your vision. They are also very common and most people have or will experience this at some point in their lives. But why do they occur?

There are a few triggers that cause them which can easily be avoided by making minor changes to your lifestyle.


Managing stress is not always easy but so very important. Not just because your eye is twitching but for your overall health. Taking the time to do physical activities, like cardiovascular exercise, yoga and meditation are just a few suggestions to help minimize the symptoms of stress and anxiety.


Over-the-counter medication can be taken to alleviate the symptoms of allergies. Try to minimize your exposure to the allergens as much as possible. 


Getting enough sleep is often easier said than done. Many people suffer from sleepless nights, their brain is always on, unable to stop thinking. But sleep is so important and restorative, that lack of sleep can affect many aspects of your life. To help you get some quality Zzz’s, try exercising, avoid caffeine and alcohol as much as possible. You should also avoid digital devices right before bed. They can affect your circadian rhythm, so they should be put away long before you go to sleep. 


Eye strain is a common problem nowadays! We spend so much time in front of a digital screen whether it be our computers, smart phones, tablets and TVs. When we watch or use our digital screens, we tend to blink less frequently causing our eyes to become dry and strained. It is important to take breaks often to give your eyes a rest. It is also recommended to wear glasses with blue light protecting lenses. They are even available without a prescription for those who do not need glasses to see.

Unhealthy diet 

Vitamins and nutrients can be found in many of the foods we eat. It is important to eat a well-balanced diet which includes the essential source of nourishments we need. This will not only stop your eyes from twitching but will improve your overall health! Why not try one of these delicious recipes? 


A little glass of wine in moderation is always appreciated, but overconsumption can have a negative effect on your health. Try to limit your alcohol intake.


We all know that smoking affects your health in a negative way. Maybe the annoying eye twitch can convince you to quit. 


Who doesn’t love a cup of joe in the morning? Since caffeine stimulates your nervous system, too much of it can affect your eyes, health and sleep. We are not saying to give it up completely (some of us need it to function in the morning) but maybe reduce the amount you drink per day.

If the eye twitching lasts longer than a few days and is constant, it is best to consult with your health professional as it may signal more serious neurological problems which should be investigated further by your doctor.

For more information about your eyes, contact your IRIS eye care professionals.

You can book your next eye exam with your IRIS optometrist right here.

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