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Your eyes need LOVE too! 5 Tips to Better Eye Health

Why not show your eyes some love this February? May not be romantic, but it is important! Here are some tips to help you see how important eye health really is.

1.     Healthy Food, Healthy Eyes

You already know nutrition plays a crucial part in maintaining your overall health, but did you know that it can contribute to healthier eyes as well? A balanced diet, which includes anti-oxidants like omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, beta-carotene and vitamin C, will help optimize your eye health and ward off possible vision-threatening diseases.

So, best eat your greens, crunch those carrots, press your oranges and poach that salmon, your eyes depend on it!

2.     Protection Against the Elements

Sunny days will affect your eyes no matter the season. Consequently, don’t stow away your sunglasses in the winter keep them handy all year round! The sun may be at a lower angle in the winter, resulting in colder temperatures, but the ultra violet rays are even more direct, especially when the sun reflects off the snow.

Wearing quality sunglasses is essential! They will protect you against the harmful rays that can damage your retina and contribute to early onset cataract, as well as shield your delicate eyelids from developing wrinkles or potential alarming growths.

Sunglasses a must-have any day accessory!

3.     Give Your Eyes a Break       

Look away from the screen! Too often the Internet leads us into rabbit holes that contribute to hours and hours of exposure to blue light (this is the light that is emitted from your electronic device). Whether at work or while surfing leisurely, it is important to give your eyes a break.

Here’s a simple tip, the 20-20-20 rule. Just stare at a spot in the distance about 20 feet away for 20 seconds, every 20 minutes. This will help reduce the strain on your eyes tremendously and, bonus, it may even help with your creative flow!

If you are spending more than an hour a day looking at your digital devices or watching TV talk to your optometrist about blue light filtering glasses. These glasses will help prevent long-term damage to your eyes. Available with or without prescription lenses, blue light filtering eyewear, are indispensible for those tight deadlines or to finish that oh, so addictive TV show.

Your eyes will thank you!

4.     Daily Eye Care Routine

Too tired to remove your contact lenses before bed? Don’t even think about sleeping with them in! Your eyes need to breathe. Sleeping in your contact lenses will deprive your cornea of oxygen, and may cause abrasions.

Also, if contact lenses are part of your daily life, remember that they need to be cleaned regularly with fresh solution.

Does your beauty sleep include makeup? You may want to avoid that! It is important to remove your makeup before going to sleep. Makeup can clog up the pores around the eyes resulting in infections. Plus, the risks of looking like a racoon in the morning are very high.

5.     Schedule Yearly Eye Exams

We know that brushing our teeth and flossing helps prevent cavities, yet we still visit our dentists once a year. Well, just like your dentist, who can detect diseases and help you prevent them, your Optometrist can provide the same type of care for your eyes.

So, remember, your eyes need their annual check-up too.  During an eye exam, not only is your sight tested to determine whether you have sight problems but more importantly, the Optometrist can detect early signs of cataracts or even serious diseases, like diabetes or hypertension.

For the love of your eyes, get them checked!

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