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7 Reasons Why You Should Wear Contact Lenses When Playing Sports

You love moving and burning energy, but with less than 20/20 vision things get complicated?

You usually wear glasses and they are truly bothersome while you're running, throwing a ball or jumping from couch to couch pretending the floor is lava? (We'll consider here that burning calories in order to entertain kids is indeed, a sport.)

Do no despair! There's a solution called "contact lenses", and we're here to share 7 reasons why you should make the switch to these while playing sports (or all the time!):

  1. Contact lenses won't slide down on your nose like most glasses do when you start sweating.
  2. They don't hinder any movement: you can be upside down without any issue. Time to practise your handstands!
  3. If you practice sports outdoors, contact lenses allow you to wear any pair of sunglasses without having to add your prescription to the lenses. (Plus, you get double UV protection!)
  4. You receive a ball to the face or drop your glasses and step on them, in just one split second you can't see! Contact lenses, on the other hand, are very resistant and won't fall out of your eyes.
  5. If your contact lenses ever rip or break (which rarely happens!) simply throw them away and replace them with your next pair.
  6. Playing sports usually involves changing clothes and showering. With contact lenses, you can keep them on the whole time without having to remove them and tuck them away.
  7. Contact lenses cover your entire iris, meaning that there are no areas where your vision is left uncorrected. When you have to be attentive to every detail and to look all over the place, that's essential!

If you're not convinced you can try contact lenses for free. (Yes, for FREE, simply click here to learn more.) And, if you are convinced, then you can call your IRIS store to book a contact lens fitting appointment. Click here to find your store's phone number!

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