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Buy A Zeal, Plant A Tree

If you like responsible fashion as much as we do, you're going to love this initiative! Ever heard of Zeal Optics? They are an eyewear company with an admirable set of beliefs: Use Less, Give Back, Explore More. Basically, their goal is to improve your experience outdoors while helping the planet. How amazing is that!


They design sunglasses made of eco-friendly materials such as Z-Resin, which is made out of castor bean's oil, providing an incredibly durable and light plastic alternative without the footprint of petroleum, or like M49 Biodegradable Acetate, which is made out of US-grown cotton and wood pulp and completely biodegradable. Even the material they use in their lenses is plant-based!


Zeal Optics also takes part in the "1% For The Planet" program and donates 1% of their profit to non-profits vowed to protect the environment. They partnered with Tree Canada for this holiday season, so for every Zeal sale, a tree is planted! You can learn all about their "Buy A Zeal, Plant A Tree" program on their website. 

Tree Canada is the only national non-profit organization dedicated to planting and nurturing trees in rural and urban environments. They help restore tree cover in areas hit by natural disasters, guide communities in managing their urban forests, helped green 660 schoolyards and more than 1,100 urban centers, indigenous communities, schools and hospitals, and more. With its community partners and sponsors, Tree Canada has planted more than 82 million trees. Check out their website to learn more!


Check with your local IRIS store if they participate in the Buy A Zeal, Plant A Tree program!

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