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Myopia Control

Myopia is a problem when focusing on images in front of the retina causes distance vision to be blurred but remains clear at close range. Nearsighted people, therefore, see blurred at a distance. 

High myopia may be associated with a higher risk of developing significant eye diseases such as glaucoma, retinal tears or abnormalities and cataracts. High myopia may also be related to macular damage. 

Myopia usually appears around 12 to 14 years old and evolves until the end of growth. The earlier myopia occurs, the more likely the person is to reach a high level of myopia, increasing the risk of pathology.

Good news! There is a way to control myopia with Orthokeratology

Orthokeratology, a procedure to reduce the intensity and progression of myopia, can be performed by applying rigid oxygen-permeable contact lenses to the cornea. These lenses have curves adapted to the person's cornea, which reshape the eye's surface by flattening it. The patient must wear these lenses during the night and remove them upon awakening. In most cases, the person recovers clear vision without needing any other optical correction during the day. However, when the lenses are not worn, the cornea will gradually return to its original position, and the correction effect will diminish.

It should be noted that the use of orthokeratology to reduce myopia has a temporary beneficial effect and is reversible if contact lenses use is stopped.

It should be noted that orthokeratology lenses must be worn at night, which increases the potential risk of eye infection, including developing a corneal ulcer. Parental supervision and strict hygiene must be observed to avoid these complications. The optometrist must ensure that the patient and parents (if the patient is a minor) can handle the lenses safely, that they have received the necessary information regarding their care and are aware of signs that could suggest the presence of an infection or an anomaly in the eye, in which case they must consult their professional quickly.

To learn more about myopia control, make an appointment with your IRIS optometrist.

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