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Saskia's spring break activities suggestions

Spring break is finally here! The week that all school kids dream of! I remember when I was little, I couldn’t wait for those few days off. Now, as a mom, I am now in planning mode to fully enjoy the beginning of March. Plus, March is also the month of spring ... One of my favorite seasons!

Here are my top 5 favorite activities to do with my kids during sprink break. After all, it's great if parents can have a little fun too -)!

1. Go to a trampoline and activity center
Hours of fun to spend energy. Believe me, they will sleep well afterwards -)!

2. Go play outside!
Canadian parks are perfect for enjoying the great outdoors. For a leisurely stroll, cross-country skiing, fat biking or just to admire the beautiful nature, these parks are delightful places to escape to.

3. Cinema
March is the month for the International Children's Film Festival in all theatres near you. We went to see "Nelly and Simon: Mission Yeti" with my kids. We really enjoyed this movie that was entirely produced in Québec. We can also take advantage of catching up on favorite TV shows at home, wrapped in a blanket while snacking on popcorn -)

4. Museum
The MAC, Museum of Contemporary Art, offers an exhibition on Leonard Cohen, our great national poet. This is the very first exhibition inspired by Cohen and it will definitely seduce the whole family!

5. Granby Zoo
Not everyone knows this, but the Zoo opens its doors even in the winter. The winter experience is completely different but just as entertaining. With the expected mild weather of the next few days, it will be perfect for a trip to Granby Zoo.

6. Do nothing
I know, I said I had 5 suggestions, but the 6th is just as important! Do nothing and do not expect anything. Take a break! It feels so good sometimes to have nothing scheduled -).

7. Have friends come over at the house
Seriously, this is my last suggestion ... I'll be done after this -) Without anything too complicated, invite your friends over! Prepare a meal using only what you already have in the fridge, take out some board games, play cards or spend the day chatting.

Cheers! I wish you a very nice spring break! 

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