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The Impact of Mental Health on Vision

When it comes to mental health, the effects on overall well-being, emotions and productivity are often highlighted. But did you know that mental health can also influence your vision and eye health? Indeed, the link between the brain and the eyes is so close that psychological disorders can affect how you see.

The effects of anxiety and stress on vision

Chronic stress and anxiety can lead to visual symptoms such as:

• Blurred vision: Excessive tension can affect the muscles around the eyes, temporarily impairing the ability to concentrate.
• Sensitivity to light: In stressful situations, the pupils may dilate further, making the eyes more sensitive to bright light.
• Headaches and eyestrain: Constant pressure can aggravate eyestrain, particularly in people who spend long hours in front of screens.

Depression and its impact on eye health

Depressive disorders can also affect visual health:

• Reduced visual contrast: Some studies have shown that depressed people perceive contrasts and colours less clearly, resulting in “dulled” vision.
• Dry eyes: Depression is often associated with reduced tear production, leading to dryness and discomfort.

Serious mental health disorders and vision

Some psychiatric conditions, such as schizophrenia, can lead to visual abnormalities, including problems with eye tracking or perception. These symptoms can be exacerbated by specific drug treatments that affect vision as a side effect.

How can you protect your eyes and your mind?

• Practice stress management: Techniques such as meditation, yoga and regular breaks help relax eye muscles and prevent eyestrain.
• Get enough sleep: Quality sleep is essential for brain and eye regeneration.
• Consult an Optometrist: In the event of persistent symptoms, consult both an Optometrist to check your eye health and a mental health specialist for appropriate follow-up.
• Create a balanced lifestyle: A healthy diet, good hydration, and exercise promote mental and eye health.

An important reminder

Our eyes and brains work hand in hand. Taking care of your mental health also means preserving your vision. Don't hesitate to talk to a professional if you experience any changes in your vision or mental well-being. Your mental health counts, and so do your eyes!

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