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When and how to use eye drops

Have you been prescribed eye drops? For some people, applying eye drops is a challenge. Putting a product in your eyes is not always easy because they are sensitive. However, getting your eye treatment right is essential to ensure its effectiveness. Here are our tips on using your eye drops properly and keeping your eyes healthy.

What are eye drops?

Eye drops are medications prescribed by healthcare specialists for eye examinations, treatment or surgery. Eye drops are also called "eye drops." These medications come in the form of drops or ointments administered to the eyes.

Do you have eye drops or ointment to apply? Knowing how to use them makes your eye treatments more effective and safer.

When should you use eye drops?

Eye drops are applied according to the recommendations of the specialists who prescribed your treatment. Also, carefully read the recommendation sheet that was provided to you at the pharmacy with your treatment.

In general, eye drops are prescribed for:

You can also be given drops to prepare your eyes before an exam or surgery. For example, anesthetic drops prepare your eyes before cataract surgery. Other eye drops dilate the pupils before an eye exam or treat an issue with your eye's fundus.

How long should I wait between eye drops?

If more than one medication is to be administered to your eye, allow each product to work for a few minutes before applying the second. Wait for 5 to 10 minutes between each product.

The waiting time is the same if more than one drop of the same medication is to be applied to your eye.

In what order should I put the eye drops?

If you have eye drops and ointment to apply, always administer the drops first.

How should I use the eye drops?

Here's how to put drops in your eyes safely and when you are alone.

The necessary hygiene measures

Start by washing your hands thoroughly to ensure that you do not contaminate your medication or your eyes. While applying the product, ensure the tip of the eye drop tube does not come into contact with any surface or your eye.

Head position for eye drops

Place yourself in a comfortable position. Choose a standing, sitting or lying position, depending on your preference. The most important thing is that you can slightly tilt your head back.

Position of the eyes and hands for eye drops

Shake the product for 10 seconds if you have been advised to do so at the pharmacy or by your specialist. With your index finger, look up and gently pull your lower eyelid downwards.

By doing this, you will create a sort of pocket in which to place your eye drops.

To improve your stability during administration, you can rest the hand holding the product on the hand holding your eyelid.

Applying eye drops

Depending on your treatment, put a drop of product or a small dab of ointment. One drop per eye is sufficient. If you think you have put too many drops in your eyes, don't worry, the excess will come out naturally.

Keep your eyes closed for two minutes without squeezing your eyelids or touching your eyes.

If excess fluid comes from your eyes, you can gently remove it with a single-use tissue.

How to store eye drops after opening ?

Close the product after each use without wiping the tip. Once opened, your product should be stored in a clean, cool place. Avoid storing ointments in the refrigerator so that their application remains soothing.

Generally, eye drops do not last longer than one month after opening.

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