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Eye health: 6 symptoms you should never ignore

Most eye conditions are signs of relatively mild and treatable problems. Conjunctivitis or seasonal allergies are among them. But some eye symptoms can be more serious. Taking them seriously and getting proper medical attention is the best way to prevent them from worsening. Here are 6 symptoms that may be signs of more serious eye health problems and should not be ignored.

Blurred or hazy vision can be a sign of vision problems

Blurred or hazy vision can indicate vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism. These eye problems can occur at any age and require prescription glasses or contact lenses.

There are other causes of blurred vision, including presbyopia, glaucoma or macular degeneration, which are all related to age.

Persistent eye pain

Persistent eye pain can mean you are suffering from an eye injury or other health problems, such as conjunctival inflammation or conjunctivitis. This means you may have an infection or inflammation in your eye.

The persistence and intensity of the pain should not be ignored. Eye pain is a non-specific symptom but almost always indicates an underlying problem. When the pain persists beyond 24 hours, it is important to seek medical attention.

Double or blurred vision

If you see double images or feel that your vision is blurred, it may be a sign of eye damage or infection. There are various reasons why these symptoms may occur, including discomfort or dizziness. However, if the symptoms persist or recur over time, it's best to ensure everything is fine. Make an appointment with an optometrist for a thorough examination.

Photophobia or increased sensitivity to light

If you have excessive sensitivity to light, it may be a sign of eye problems, such as ophthalmic migraine, inflammation of the cornea, but also retinal detachment or tearing. Whether it is in the form of flashes or increased sensitivity to light, it is important not to ignore these symptoms.

Sudden vision loss is a sign of eye health problems

If you suddenly lose your vision, it may be a sign of serious eye problems, like retinal detachment or occlusion. In any case, we advise you to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

If the vision loss is in your peripheral vision, it may be glaucoma of the eyes, which usually occurs with age.

The appearance of a dot or a floating body

From time to time, we see floating bodies in our visual field. However, when you try to focus on them, they disappear. If you see black dots or floating bodies similar to hairs or small flies, an examination of the back of the eye is urgently needed. It could be a retinal detachment.

In general, seeing a healthcare professional is important if you have any of these 6 symptoms or other unusual eye problems. Early treatment can help prevent serious eye health problems and maintain good vision. Don't hesitate to schedule an eye exam yearly, especially if you have a family history of eye health problems or diabetes.

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