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10 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Eyes

Our eyes are precious and so important in our daily lives! It is through them that we learn from an early age. Among other things, they allow us to assess danger and ensure our safety. But that's not all! They play an even more significant role in our lives than one might think. Here are 10 interesting facts about your eyes that you might not know.

# 1 - Sight uses more than 50% of the brain's capacity

It takes more than 50% of our brain's functionality to see. Our eyes are so complex that more than half of the neurons in our brain are directly or indirectly involved in sight. More neurons are dedicated to vision than all other senses combined!

# 2 - Eye muscles: speed champions

The muscles of the eyes that allow us to look in every direction are the most active and the fastest muscles in our entire body.

# 3 - We blink more than 8,000 times per day

On average, we blink between 8 and 21 times per minute while resting. The average decreases to 4.5 blinks/minute while we read, and the number of blinks increases during a conversation. We blink much less when looking at screens, which can cause dry eyes.

# 4 - Eyes can get sunburned

Symptoms include pain, redness, blurred vision, scratching or sand in the eyes, dry eye, swelling, sensitivity to light, headache, perception of halos, small pupils and a temporary vision loss. Good quality sunglasses are recommended when outdoors.

# 5 - Color blindness typically affects men more

The anomaly of colorblindness is more prevalent inmen than in women.

# 6 - Our eyes perceive shades of green very well

Have you ever stopped to see the forest on a hike? Ever notice how many vibrant shades of greens there are? It turns out, the human eye sees more shades of green than any other colour.

# 7 - Screens slow down reading

We read up to 25% slower on a computer screen than on paper. Criteria that influence our reading speed include the screen's brightness, font size, contrast, etc. We also blink less when we stare at a computer for a long time, which can cause eyestrain.

# 8 - Eye exams don't just detect eye problems

The optometrist can detect certain health conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure during an eye exam.

# 9 - The visible part of the eye: the tip of the iceberg

Our eyes are made up of different components that ensure that they work properly. Only one-sixth of the eye is exposed.

# 10 - IRIS helps improve eye health around the world

80% of visual impairments worldwide are curable. IRIS does its part to help! Since 2007 IRIS has supported IRIS Mundial as the primary sponsor. IRIS Mundial is an organization that helps improve ocular health in developing countries by organizing missions and setting up clinics in countries like Haiti, Peru and Senegal.

Would you like to learn more about your eyes and your eye health? Or do you want to know how to help IRIS Mundial? Make an appointment or visit your nearest IRIS store.

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