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Red and Dry Eyes: Identifying Causes and Finding Solutions

Red, dry eyes can be annoying and sometimes worrisome. Fortunately, well-identified causes and appropriate solutions exist for restoring optimal visual comfort.

Understanding the causes

  • Eye fatigue: Spending long hours in front of a computer screen, tablet, or phone can cause eye fatigue. Concentrating on a screen reduces blinking, dries out the eye's surface and leads to redness.
  • Allergies: Seasonal or environmental allergies can cause red, dry eyes. Allergen particles, such as pollen, dust or animal hair, irritate the eyes and stimulate an inflammatory reaction.
  • Dry eye syndrome: This syndrome is characterized by insufficient or poor-quality tear production. It can be linked to age, certain medications or conditions such as menopause.
  • Eye infections: Certain infections, such as conjunctivitis or blepharitis, can cause redness and discomfort. These conditions often require medical attention.
  • Environmental factors: Wind, cold, dry air from heating or air-conditioning systems, and prolonged exposure to the sun can unbalance the tear film and cause redness. 

Adopt good habits

  • Blink frequently: This helps maintain a well-moisturized ocular surface.
  • Take regular breaks: Apply the 20-20-20 rule (every 20 minutes, look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds).
  • Protect your eyes: Wear sunglasses to avoid environmental irritants.
  • Moisturize your eyes: Use artificial tears to relieve dryness. Drink enough water to promote proper hydration.
  • Limit irritants: Clean your environment regularly to reduce allergens. Avoid rubbing your eyes, which can aggravate redness.

Consult an Optometrist

If symptoms persist or worsen, a consultation with an Optometrist is recommended. A thorough eye examination will enable the issue to be determined, and a suitable treatment will be proposed.

Red, dry eyes can impact quality of life, but effective solutions are possible. By identifying the underlying cause and adopting preventive measures or appropriate treatments, you can protect your visual health and regain optimum comfort.

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