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When should you change your prescription eyewear?

Are you wondering when you should get a new pair of glasses? Just because you love your old pair of glasses doesn't mean they're still suitable for your vision. A damaged frame or scratched lenses are apparent signs that you need to get some new ones. But, there are other things to consider. Here's all you need to know about the lifespan of prescription glasses.

Signs that it's time to change your glasses

Changing glasses ensures optimal correction and better comfort for your eyes. The lifespan of eyewear varies depending on each person's vision issues. That said, some visible signs can tell you when it's time to get new ones.


Do you suffer from frequent headaches at the end of the day? This can be the result of abnormal eye strain. When a pair of glasses is defective, it forces you to adjust your eyesight more than you need to to see well. Your eyes then become heavily strained, resulting in eye fatigue and sometimes pain. Headaches are among the most common signs that it is time to make an appointment for an eye exam.

The urge to vomit

When the correction is no longer suitable for a person's sight, they may feel the urge to vomit. This frequently happens in farsighted people whose eyesight has changed. If you often have nausea and feel tired, you should consult an optometrist.

Poor quality night vision

When the light is scarcer, your pupils dilate. For this reason, it's often at night when you realize your eyesight is deteriorating. Some signs may tell you that your glasses are probably no longer suitable for your vision:

  • If you feel blinded when you gaze at a lamp or after looking into a car's headlights.
  • If things become blurry as soon as darkness appears.
  • If you need a lamp to be able to read even one word in a darker room.

Loss of balance

Sometimes you may experience dizziness and/or bump into furniture or door frames. This may be due to fatigue, or you may need to adjust the correction on your glasses or change frames. Sometimes a loss of balance is a sign that your eyesight is getting worse. Another possible explanation would be that your frame is too small for your face's shape. As a result, it reduces your field of vision, and you have trouble perceiving your surroundings.

Scratched or damaged lenses

It might seem pretty obvious at first glance, but scratched lenses aren't as effective at helping your eyesight anymore. However, it's quite normal to now want to change your glasses because of one scratch. So what is the lifespan of eyeglass lenses?
This partly depends on how they are maintained, so you should ensure that you take care of your glasses. If the scratches are too deep or too many, it's better to change your lenses quickly.

The lifespan of prescription glasses

Do you have to change your glasses every year? The lifespan of eyewear depends on the evolution of your visual acuity and the quality of the frame.

Glasses are part of your personality, and they complement your face. This is why it is sometimes difficult to part with your favourite frame. But when the frame is broken or damaged, there's no point in trying to fix it yourself. The glasses may no longer appropriately fulfill their need and no longer stay in place correctly.

Sometimes the arms break, or the frame breaks in the middle. Sometimes the spring hinges don't operate very well anymore. These hinges help keep the arms attached to the rest of the frame. The springs, on the other hand, help to open the arms more widely to position the glasses correctly on your face.

The lifespan of frames, therefore, depends on their quality. Choosing a frame based on your activities is one way to prevent accidents. Those made of stainless steel, for example, are particularly shock-resistant.

When should you get new glasses?

You should get new glasses when you experience discomfort or if they are damaged. Take advantage of a visit to your optometrist to check their condition and have them readjusted if necessary.

The Canadian Association of Optometrists recommends having an eye exam every 12 to 24 months. Eye exams are essential to prevent diseases such as glaucoma or macular degeneration. These diseases can be much easier to treat when detected early.

Also, note that vision care coverage reimburses the cost of eye exams, frames, corneal lenses and prescription contact lenses.

The best way to know when to get new glasses is to make an appointment with an optometrist for a regular check-up. Also, pay attention to the quality of your vision, and when in doubt, see a professional, no pun intended. Not all eyesight problems develop in the same way, but they do have one thing in common. If not treated properly, they can cause your visual acuity to deteriorate. Prevention is, therefore, the best solution to maintain your vision and the health of your eyes!


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