Can a contact lens get lost behind my eye?
No. It's physically impossible for a lens to get lost behind your eye. A membrane covers the eye and is attached to the eyelid, preventing the lens from getting lost.
Can contact lenses scratch the eye?
Problems caused by wearing contact lenses are possible but unlikely. Most eye health problems are due to ill-fitting lenses or failure to follow the wearing schedule recommended by an eye care professional.
Can contact lenses weld to my eyes?
No. In most cases, lenses are easily removable, as recommended by your eye care professional. All you need is patience and practice.
Can contact lenses come out of my eyes?
The chances are slim. With a good fit, lenses should stay in place almost all the time. Even on the rare occasions when lenses move, they remain on your eyes until you remove them.
Are eye infections common when wearing contact lenses?
Health problems due to contact lens wear can occur but are quite rare. Infections are mainly due to improper lens cleaning and other lens care problems. You won't have any issues if you follow your eye care professional's wearing and care instructions.
Do my eyes need to rest from wearing contact lenses? Do they need to "breathe"?
Generally speaking, no. Unless your eye care professional tells you otherwise, you can wear contact lenses every day.
Are contact lenses bad for my eyes?
Contact lenses can be worn safely. Simply follow the replacement schedule and care instructions recommended by your eye care professional, and you're ready to go.
Do you have more questions about wearing contact lenses? Make an appointment with your IRIS optometrist!