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A donation of $92,160 for IRIS Mundial!

Since 2008, IRIS has been proud to team up with IRIS Mundial. During February, IRIS stores across Canada donated $10 for every pair of glasses sold as part of the IRIS Mundial Month.

We are thrilled to announce that during February 2022, IRIS stores across Canada were able to raise $92,160, which will be donated to IRIS Mundial!

With the participation of the IRIS Ophthalmology Clinic, IRIS stores have donated more than $1,311,900 to IRIS Mundial since 2008!

We want to take the time to thank our patients for choosing their new glasses during the month of February to support the cause. Also, we want to thank all those who donated their old glasses. These actions will make a real difference in the lives of patients who will be treated during the next IRIS Mundial mission.

In conclusion, we sincerely thank all of our in-store associates. Through them, the message of IRIS Mundial is spread among our patients.

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