We asked Léonie Pelletier, our new Ambassador, some questions about love. Here are her thoughts about Valentine's Day.
1. What does Valentine's Day mean to you now that you have a child and a second one on the way?
Valentine's Day with us has always been a family celebration. I remember, my mother always prepared a nice candlelight dinner for the whole family with beautiful decoration, chocolate and candy. A colourful Valentine's Day full of love where we were all each other's Valentine! I would love to replicate this with my family, it creates so many beautiful memories. To be able to demonstrate to my children that it is a celebration that emphasizes love in general it is the appreciation of kind gestures between us and not just a story of cupid or of girlfriends and boyfriends.
2. What was your first love at first sight?
I was in grade 8 when I had my first love at first sight! I actually dated this boy for 3 years. Ah, teenage love ...
3. What did your first Valentine's Day look like?
Well, my boyfriend and I made our relationship official on February 12th, so we were in the midst of celebrating love! We went snowboarding on Valentine's Day. A beautiful memory!
4. As a mother, how do you plan to celebrate this holiday of love with your family?
Roby is still too small to understand all of these things, so this year, it will be a nice quiet evening between us at home where we will give each other many kisses and cuddles! Next year, he will understand a little more and he will have a little brother or sister by then. It will be the perfect opportunity to make him understand this bond of love and fraternity. I cannot wait to see them together!
Frames: Prada, Journal