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Progressive lenses: Are they the solution for presbyopia?

Presbyopia concerns people who experience blurred vision when looking at near objects. Presbyopia results from the aging process of the eye, which is why it generally manifests itself after age 40. After this age, the thickening and loss of elasticity of the eye's crystalline lens can cause difficulty focusing on near objects. This can lead to vision problems when reading, working at a computer screen or any other activity requiring close-up detail. Progressive lenses are a popular solution for presbyopia. But how good a solution are they? And are there others? That's what we'll be looking at in this article.

Which vision problem is corrected with progressive lenses?

After age 40, a significant proportion of the population suffers from presbyopia. But it's important to remember that people with presbyopia may also have other vision problems, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism. In such cases, progressive lenses, also known as multifocal lenses, can be used.

Eye care specialists often propose this solution. Progressive lenses are specially designed to correct several eye disorders with a single pair of glasses.

More specifically, here are the problems that can be corrected with progressive lenses:


If you have issues related to presbyopia, progressive lenses provide clear vision at different distances, from near to far, without the need to change glasses.


Progressive lenses can also correct myopia, a vision disorder that makes it difficult to see at a distance. The correction for myopia is integrated into the upper part of the progressive lens to enable clear vision at a distance.


Individuals with hyperopia have difficulty seeing objects clearly up close. Hyperopia should not be confused with presbyopia. Progressive lenses incorporate a correction for hyperopia in the lower part of the lens, enabling clear near vision.


If you have astigmatism, your cornea or crystalline lens is not perfectly spherical, resulting in blurred vision. Progressive lenses can be adapted to correct astigmatism, usually by adjusting the curvature of the lens surface.

Are progressive lenses a good solution for presbyopia?

The answer is yes. Progressive lenses are a good solution. They are designed to correct near, distance and intermediate vision without the hassle of constantly switching between reading glasses and prescription glasses.

You'll be asked several questions during your appointment with one of our optometrists. Among them:

  • Do you use the computer regularly?
  • Are you involved in any leisure activities that require precise, close-up vision, such as sewing or drawing?
  • What are your outdoor activities?
  • Do you drive frequently?

These questions provide us with the information we need to perfectly adapt our progressive lenses to your needs and provide you with excellent visual comfort.

How long does it take to adapt to progressive lenses?

Regarding progressive lenses, one question often arises: how long does it take to adapt to this new correction?

It's true that progressive lenses most often require a period of adaptation. But contrary to what many people think, adaptation is generally successful. Depending on the individual, it can last from a few hours to a few days.

To ease your adjustment period, here are our recommendations:

  • Wear your new glasses as often as possible, from morning to night, and avoid returning to your old ones.
  • Get into the habit of moving your head slightly rather than your eyes. Point your nose at the object you want to look at, then tilt your chin slightly up or down.
  • In the early stages, practice switching from near vision to intermediate vision, then to distance vision. This will help you develop excellent visual comfort more quickly.

Moreover, technological advances have enabled manufacturers to offer smoother transitions between distance and near-vision lenses. As a result, progressive lenses are more comfortable today than 50 years ago.

What are the alternatives to presbyopia glasses?

As you can see, progressive lenses are a good option for correcting presbyopia. However, you can explore other solutions, such as:

Depending on your needs and profile, these solutions can be considered. We recommend discussing them with your optometrist to determine your best option.

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